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In 2013 the record number of green certificates were issued in Poland

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note_add 09/22/2013
update 09/22/2013
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Объявление - In 2013 the record number of green certificates were issued in Poland

Polish Energy Regulatory Authority (ERA) reported that as of September 11, 2013 about 12,000 (11,854) certificates about the origin of energy from renewable energy sources including biomass were issued. Meanwhile, within the last year only 3000 more (14,798) certificates were issued in total. The representatives of the administration said that this year result is caused by the continuous improvement process of issuing certificates of electricity origin by the support systems department in ERA.

It was also informed by ERA that the administration still deals with the questions regarding issuing the certificates about the origin of energy produced in 2013 (its total volume is about 3.4 billion kilowatt-hours). The officials said that the investigation will be completed after the collection of evidences enabling to consider the applications for green certificates issuing or to make the decision about their denial.

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