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International softwood lumber market in the third quarter of 2009

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Объявление - International softwood lumber market in the third quarter of 2009

China increased softwood lumber import for 81% in 2009. According to industry experts’ data there is no exact information about the fact who imported more lumber in 2009 -China or Japan.
As experts report, the volumes of softwood lumber sales dropped down in Japan and US, and grew in Europe and in Northern Africa. Having compared the data of the year 2008 and 2009, experts specify that in 2009, Swedish sawmills delivered the 45% more lumber to Egypt, Morocco and Algeria, and the said amount makes 23% of all lumber delivered from Sweden. Egypt is the third largest place for lumber export for Swedish and Finnish sawmills. Such growth, during last four month, has caused price rise in Nordic countries for over 20%.
Lumber market in Japan did not encounter much changes in the third quarter of 2009, except the fact, that local sawmills had been working at lower prices. The experts report, that during first eight month of the year 2009, the production volume has dropped down per 15% in comparison with the aforementioned period of the year 2008 and expect no improvements in the fourth quarter of 2009. Industry professionals also state the fact that lumber import amount has reached the level of 77% from the amount of the year 2008. The prices for imported and exported lumber kept the same level in frames of Japanese currency, though have slightly increased in US dollars due to exchange rate peculiarities.
Lumber consumption volumes in China surprised industry professionals who specify that Chinese sawmills production capacity growth and lumber import increase may explain such need for lumber. In 2009 – within first nine months, the country imported 81% more lumber than during the same period of the year 2008. Experts give firm confirmation that China will have more lumber import amount than Japan. Canadian sawmills were the first who used the benefits of such import amount growth and raised export amount in 135% in 2009.
Sawmills reduction in US, which prompted material stocks shortage, gave the possibility for US lumber market improvement in June and July of 2009, but such improvement was short- term and Canadian and US sawmills production volumes and prices for their goods have encountered a slight decrease at the end of the year 2009 in the third quarter. Softwood lumber prices have slightly grown in the autumn of the year 2009 despite the fact, the prices stayed on their lowest level in the spring during the same year.

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