Если у Вас возникли вопросы по Israeli researchers claimed the development of new alternative fuel, отправьте сообщение!
Such fuel is produced from water and carbon dioxide and its production cost is much lower than oil distillation.
Israeli Ben-Gurion university specialists along with "Israel Strategic Alternative Energy Foundation" have conducted researches the main goal of which was to find energy sources that may replace traditional fossil fuels. The second goal was to provide new multifunctional and cheap fuel.
While working on the project they have created a range of nanomaterial, being a catalyzer for further process: water is split into oxygen and hydrogen by means of electrolysis, thereafter hydrogen is mixed with carbon dioxide, taken from air. After this, the obtained compound is put into reactor, where it contacts with solid nanocatalyzer. The result of it is achieving organic liquid and gas which are energy potential.
The project manager, Moti Herskowitz, Professor of Ben-Gurion university, claims that nowadays in order to produce fuel resources we may use cheap natural resources and herewith the result of the process will be energy sources of high quality.
The test results showed that the product obtained by Israeli researchers may be easily reprocessed at oil-refining complexes. Moreover, it also can be produced there, which helps us not to spend money for expensive logistics. Finished product was tested in cars equipped with diesel engine and gas equipment. Many tests have also been carried out concerning using of new fuel in aircraft engines.
One more benefit of Israel development is product lightness while being cleaned from detrimental impurities, which helps to minimize damage of working engine.