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After four years of belief in the need to limit biomass and coal co-firing Polish government developed and presented the project in which this technology appeared preferable. However, it does not mean that Poland will be provided with cheaper energy as well as fulfill its obligations before the EU government. The experts of the Polish bioenergy market increasingly frequently say, that so hyped auction system is still too fragile and needs serious improvement. Despite repeated statements, beginning from 2010, Polish government not only has no plans to reduce biomass co-firing with fossil fuels, but on the contrary intends to extend the support of that technology. It is stated in the 4th version of the pending bill on renewable energy sources.
Such changes would be favorable for the largest energy companies in the country which today are the main beneficiaries of "green" energy support system. It is quite likely that a cold shoulder will be given to most other investors . This is especially relevant to those, who plan to invest in expensive technologies, such as wind farms in the Baltic Sea, biogas, photovoltaic panels and hydroelectric power.
According to the present bill, co-firing will be divided into three categories:
1. Ordinary, used in simple systems, when biomass is added to a boiler. In practice, this burning is the cheapest.
2. Hybrid, when biomass is burned separately, but it is joined with a gas or coal boiler in the following parts of installation.
3 Specialized, the most technologically advanced, when at least 20 percent of biomass can be added to a boiler.
The producers using ordinary technology will not have to compete with anyone at the auctions regarding the amount of support. In exchange for biomass energy production these companies will receive guaranteed support through the system of green certificates during 15 years after the start of their installations. Earlier the Ministry of Economy planned to stop such subsidizing in 5 years. In practice many producers would stop receiving subsidies by the time of entry the law into force (the oldest ones are subsidized since 2005). However, after the protests the government decided to extend the period of support till 2017.
The last project got even more radical. According to it, the support of renewable energy will be provided at least till 2029. This period may be even longer, as according to the project on co-firing, the support of 0.5 certificate for each megawatt-hour is guaranteed till 2020. After that the company may use the full amount of aid again if within seven year the Minister doesn't decide otherwise. Moreover, the ordinary co-firing equipment can be upgraded, after this the company, having specialized technology, will be able to participate in the auctions.
The producers of energy using hybrid and specialized co-firing, will also be able to receive the support in the form of green certificates (in the same size) for 15 years, in addition their energy produced will be purchased at a guaranteed purchase price. Like other producers of renewable energy these companies will be able to participate in the auctions. In some auctions the new hybrid co-firing installations will compete with specialized ones.
According to the experts, biomass and fossil fuel co-firing has the greatest chances to win at auctions, as it is less expensive compared to other technologies, for example wind turbines. Furthermore, the stable sources of energy are used in co-firing - this can also play an important role in the auction.