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RE-volv Company has collected 120000 of dollars for the development of solar energy

Company has collected 120000 of dollars

RE-volv Company has collected 120000 of dollars for the development of solar energy

In particular, in the context of the third campaign of fund-raising more than 50 thousands of dollars were collected. The collected means will be integrally directed for the construction of a solar battery matrix with a generation capacity of 36 KW in San Francisco.

As a means to the financing of its own projects in the field of solar energy, RE-volv Company employs an innovative model known as crowdfunding. Fund-raising in itself is entrusted to the department of Solar Seed Fund Company. “People are tired of waiting for any solutions from the government aimed at prevention of climatic changes. They want to look after their houses on their on, without anybody’s else help, and our company grants this opportunity.   

After having successfully accomplished three fund-raising campaigns, we became aware that this very model is effective and can foster the growth of our branch. “, declared Andreas Karelas, the executive director of RE-volv Company.

In the issue of the first three fund-raising campaigns RE-volv Company collected more than 120 thousands of dollars. These means were donated by the people from 38 states and from 22 other countries of the world. The means were  spent on the financing of three projects, the purpose of which was to implant the idea of solar energy on a local scale.

RE-volv Company proceeded to financing initial expenses on projects, which are consequently handed over to communities under the condition of a 20 years- rent. After the communities return these means, RE-volv refunds them for new projects, thus creating a revolving fund of solar energy financing.

"I’ve been working on this project for about 8 years, and I am conscious how hard it is to choose the right way to follow when we talk about solar energy. That’s why when RE-volv Company offered their assistance to us, it turned out to be a perfect solution, to a great extent, because they do not only attract financing, but also afford an opportunity to collaborate with their fund in the future.",declared Darill Di, the director of Other Avenues Food Cooperative project, who once was backed by RE-volv Company.

One of the contributing factors of the RE-volv’s success in crowdfunding is undoubtedly their victory in OpenIDEO Renewable Energy Challenge. Due to this fact, RE-volv received the means and support of IDEO Company and of 11th Hour Project. Such companies and funds as: Yahoo Employee Foundation, Audubon’s Toyota TogetherGreen, Aveda and San Francisco Fund confirmed their intention to give assistance to RE-volv initiatives.

RE-volv Company has collected 120000 of dollars for the development of solar energy

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Views: 947 Added: 31-03-2015