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The EU 27 brings its plan to life

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note_add 02/10/2012
update 02/10/2012
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Объявление - The EU 27 brings its plan to life

27 countries of the European Union confidently put into practice earlier elaborated plan. Be reminded that the EU 27 set the goal to reach 21% of alternative energy consumption by electricity and 20% of biosources for heating till 2020.

Statistical Office of the EU has provided the data on the import of wood pellets from Ukraine, Belarus and Russia in 2010. The total figure for imports in the interval of January-November 2010 amounted to 369,554 tons.

The share of Ukraine's import of biofuels in the EU 27 is calculated at 50 tons. The favoring policy of Ukraine contributed to the increase of wood pellets deliveries. In particular, since January 1, 2010 the Ukrainian government adopted the decision termed at 10 year to release from income tax all the businesses that either produce pellets or produce equipment for the production of biofuel materials.

Belarus imported about 80 tons of wood fuel. As for Russia, some experts say this sector of the industrial economy is lacking due development, other suggest that Russia is in the top-list.

The average price of a ton of wood pellets per month ranges from 120 to 135 euros. The difference in price happens because of changes in market price of biofuels in the EU. The country which dominates in the export-import relations "sets" the price.

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