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10th Internatioanal Conference on Clean Energy

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Country: Cyprus
City: Famagusta

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note_add 11/04/2009
update 11/04/2009
remove_red_eye 4387
Address: Famagusta
Ugur Atikol
+90-392-224 13 03
+90-392-223 83 26
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Мероприятие - 10th Internatioanal Conference on Clean Energy

Conference will provide a platform for the presentation of solutions to the two important global problems facing the humankind: (a) Depletion of Fossil Fuels, and (b) Environmental problems caused by the utilization of fossil fuels, such as the global warming, ozone layer depletion, acid rains, pollution, oxygen depletion, oil spills, etc.

Consequently, it will cover hydrogen economy, renewable energy sources, nuclear energy, clean hydrocarbon technologies, as well as energy conservation, energy storage and distribution, intelligent electrical grids, clean energy utilization, environmental impact, remediation of environmental problems, risk analysis and economics.

The conference is organized by; the Energy Research Centre (ERC) of Eastern Mediterranean University, in cooperation with Clean Energy Research Institute (CERI) of University of Miami and International Association for Hydrogen Energy (IAHE)

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