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First you have to be a free member on Global Biofuel Portal, then in your account section you click the link "become a paid member" and follow further instructions.
You can make your payment via Paypal, credit card or Bank Transfer.
Step 1
Go to the page -
Click the price plan that matches your requirements.
Step 2
Tick the price plan once again and
Select the Payment Method :
Credit Card / Paypal - immediate payment with credit card with USD
Direct Funds Transfer - WU transfer, SWIFT transfer with USD / EUR
Credits - unavailable to new members
Then click proceed and you will be redirected to the payment system website
Step 3
Do the payment with your credit card.
After the payment you will be redirected back to your user account
on Global Biofuel Portal. You will be able to start working immediately.
The answer depends on your goals. If your intentions are to become an overnight millionaire, so we must upset you as the platform is not a magic wand.
Yes, we do. Paid members can order extra services regarding documents translation, inquiries translation.
You can read more about paid registration process - here .
When setting the fees our management team analyzed our members financial capabilities. Normally people order Gold package as it is more balanced. We are mainly focused on the European countries and those who are serious in their intentions they order without hesitation.
Please, get registered and contact the sellers directly. Read more about registration tips.
In September 2010 there have been regsitered 11,232 buers and sellers.
In September 2011 there have been regsitered 14,239 buers and sellers.
In September 2012 there have been regsitered 19,748 buers and sellers.
In May 2024 there have been regsitered 42,529 buers and sellers.
Global Biofuel Portal does not have such statistics as we do not control the deals but build biofuel business community. We would appreciate any suggestion to organize such a statistics tool.
We provide support to our members via email. Send us your inquiry via a contact form
The contact information of our advertisers is available to all our members. You can make phone calls to the advertisers or send your inquiry via Private Messages System. You message will guaranteed delivered to their mail box at the portal.
Global Biofuel Portal has been operating on biofuel market since 2007. Free registration on GBP is available to all visitors. Producers, suppliers and buyers post their offers which are available to paid subscribers. Each offer is subjected to the process of approval. Moderators controll the correctness of the offers and take measures (deleteing, blocking profiles which seem fraudulent or unserious) in case of complaints.
Currently we have 42,529 registered members and it is impossible to check them all. When our moderators notice that some of our members point as if they are from the locations different from those pointed in their profile or submit initially fraudulet offers we block them. We urge our members not to make advance payments via WU or TT