Advertisement on Global Biofuel Portal
Global Biofuel Portal (UBP) offers biofuel producers, sawn timber suppliers, pelleting and briquetting equipment manufacturers, woodworking equipment suppliers to place advertisemnet in the form of a banner on the home page leading to the page of commercial offer on UBP.
There is an opportunity of placing the banner in the relevant category. Reviewing any offer of the category a user will observe your advertisement banner!
Advantages of placing advertisement:
- high attendance of the portal, relevance of the audience biofuel and woodworking subject-matter;
- the advertiser atomatically becomes a priveledged member;
- one-time mail notification of the advertiser's business offer.
The way of odering the advetisement:
- send UBP administration your detailed business offer, including photo. Pointing request to the banner design (see. Administration section);
- send inquiry for obtaining bank details;
- do the payment and inform by phone.
The period of making advetisement: up to 7 days from the moment of payment.
The cost of advertisement: by inquiry (see. Administration section).
Period: from 6 months.