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A platform for exchanging knowledge of current market developments and technology trends: 10th Pellets Industry Forum, September 7-8, Stuttgart Trade Fair Center The wood pellets market has been growing strongly over the past few years both in Germany and abroad. While Germany is able to cover its own pellets demand from domestic production, countries such as the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden and Italy are forced to import the fuel. For this reason, the international pellets trade has been growing continuously. New pellets production facilities in Canada, the United States, Russia, South Africa or Australia have been springing up, offering their products on the growing European market.
The increasing internationalization of the industry has made market requirements more and more complex, which has made harmonized standards and international networks necessary. Against this background, association representatives from eight European countries founded the European Pellet Council (EPC) on July 1, 2010. The umbrella association's objective is to promote the international industry network, and to improve political framework conditions in Europe. The EPC is to represent the European wood pellets industry in Brussels, and to work towards the implementation of the ENplus certification system in order to secure fuel quality across Europe.
Representatives of various industry fields will be giving their view of the international market development on the first day of the conference. Another part of the first day will be dedicated to the effects of political conditions on the industry's future. In addition to new technical requirements for pellets burners, the effects of CO2 trade on the market will be addressed, as will the effects of changes to important incentive programs, such as the German Market Incentive Program. The first day will culminate in a panel discussion with representatives from politics and industry about the benefits and drawbacks of current incentive politics for the pellets industry.
On the second day of the conference, various workshops will offer participants the opportunity to deepen their knowledge. One workshop is concerned with the utilization analysis of pellets burners, efficiency increases and emission reduction of pellets-solar-combined heaters, and the new requirements resulting from the first amendment to the Federal Immission Control Act (BlmSchV). A second workshop will be dealing with international trade and the industrial use of pellets. The discussions will try to establish whether or not wood pellets will become an interesting fuel for power plants, whether the torrefaction of biomass will play an important role, and what sustainability certifications will mean for the industry.
A third workshop will take a close look at pellets production, quality assurance for pellets and storage security. Participants will learn which typical mistakes occur in pellets production and how to avoid them, what the experience with the new European standard for wood pellets is, and how pellets are transported and stored safely.
On the second day, also a countries workshop will provide more detailed information on selected key markets. Industry experts from all over the world will voice their opinion on the future of the Scandinavian, British, Austrian, French, East European and North American markets. Over the last few years, the Pellets Industry Forum has developed into the central meeting place of the international pellets industry in Germany, an exchange platform for experts and decision-makers from industry, research and politics. In addition to attending presentations, experts will also be able to learn about the latest products and services in an accompanying exhibition this year. The exhibition is also open to interested trade visitors who are not participating in the conference.
To take viable decisions in this increasingly international growth market, companies require both technical and economic knowledge. Only those who are aware of the current market situation are able to make strategic decisions. The 10th Pellets Industry Forum taking place in Stuttgart from September 7-8, 2010, will provide the perfect opportunity to gain an overview of current developments and prospects of the international pellets market and to discuss the necessary political framework conditions.
More detailed information and the complete program can be found at www.pelletsforum.de. Find and book your hotel in Stuttgart by using the hotel booking portal of our partner Granevento.
Organizer and supporters of the 10th Pellets Industry Forum: The 10th Pellets Industry Forum is being organised by Solar Promotion GmbH, Pforzheim. The event is being supported by the German Energy Wood and Pellet Association (DEPV) and the German Solar Energy Society (DGS). Further supporting associations: