Having realized the importance of the bioeconomy, the EU is now focusing its efforts on the development of a variety of enabling technologies and the collection of the necessary knowledge required to bring biorefineries into the industrial arena, developing all of the synergies needed to materialize biobased value chains. Nevertheless, in order to realize the transition towards the bioeconomy, qualified experts, state-of-art technologies and proper frameworks are required.
Considering the complex challenges raised by this new field, the European Biorefining Training School, founded in 2011, aims to offer an introduction to the key subjects and provide insight into many of the diverse issues that surround the bioeconomy transition.
Hungary is a country well-endowed with natural resources and traditionally has a well-developed agricultural sector. Moreover, today Hungary has clear ambitions with regard to the bioeconomy and is ready to embrace the best biorefinery technologies. For these reasons, Hungary is delighted to host the 3rd edition of the European biorefinery training school.
The school intends to deliver the latest knowledge and developments by internationally renowned researchers to PhD students, decision maker and professionals on the emerging field of bioeconomy. The organizers look forward to welcoming you as a participant of the 3rd Biorefining Training School.