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4th Annual OGFAmsterdam

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Country: Netherlands
City: Amsterdam

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note_add 12/16/2017
update 12/16/2017
remove_red_eye 1582
Organizer: Euromoney Seminars
Address: Amsterdam Marriott Hotel, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Stephanie Harper
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Мероприятие - 4th Annual OGFAmsterdam

Investment opportunities and optimised capital structures for offshore energy services.

In March 2018, OGFAmsterdam returns against a backdrop of tentative optimism. Whilst the offshore services space is still characterised by a focus on the preservation of cash, rather than an abundance of new projects, there are signs of light at the end of the tunnel.

Varied session formats, led by industry leading speakers, will explore both the reasons for optimism - like consolidation and reduction of asset oversupply, FIDs in Brazil and Mexico - as well as persisting industry challenges, particularly regarding balance sheet management.

We will also examine how some offshore service companies have moved away from their reliance on oil and gas for business. Numerous players are capitalising on developments in the burgeoning offshore wind space, and the whole industry's adaption to the global energy transition will pervade as a theme at the event.

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