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Organizer: Bioenergy 2009
Address: Jyvaskyla
Heidi Kuitto
+358 207 639 600
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Мероприятие - 4th International Bioenergy 2009 Conference
The strong policy for increasing renewables and especially bioenergy continues in the European Union. The Communication COM(2006)848 presents a renewable energy roadmap for the year 2020, proposing a mandatory target of 20% renewable energy in gross inland energy consumption, and a mandatory target of 10% transportation biofuels, to be coupled with national action plans. It also includes a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions (from their 1990 level) by 20% in 2020 and a 20% reduction in energy use by 2020. The climate change and numerous environmental aspects and reasons are backgrounds for the decisions. Not only ecological points, but also political and economical reasons will carry these plans and targets forward. The Union's common target 20 % is very challenge and there is set mandatory targets for the member countries. Finland's target is to increase the use of renewables by 9,5 % units to totally 38 %. A remarkable portion of the target will be reached by forest fuels. Environmentally friendly, safe and secure bioenergy together with modern bioenergy technologies and know-how are the driving forces for increasing the utilisation.
The 4th International Bioenergy 2009 Conference will take place in Jyväskylä, in the heart of bioenergy - in Finland and in Central Finland. Finland is one of today's top users of bioenergy among all industrial states. Biomass use accounts for over 25 % of the total primary energy consumption and 20 % of the electricity requirements are met by using bioenergy (the highest in the EU). The share of bioenergy is in Central Finland over 50 % and the target is 70 % 2015.One of the worlds biggest Biopower plant is under construction with a fuel input capacity of 500 MW. Here you can see more bioenergy harvesting systems and different scale of power and heating plants in a day than in a week somewhere else. The Conference will focus on the factors affecting the future of the bioenergy, biopower, biofuels in transport and biobased modern technologies and products, including logistic systems, management, total procurement chains, the effects of the energy market, the influence of green marketing and other trends affecting forestry, agriculture, industry and climate.
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