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7th European Algae Industry Summit

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Country: France
City: Nice

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note_add 03/10/2017
update 03/10/2017
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Address: Nice
Dimitri Pavlyk
+44 (0)20 3141 0627
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Мероприятие - 7th European Algae Industry Summit

The two day summit will bring together key players within the algae industry including leaders from cosmetics, food, feed, nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals across the globe to join our forum discussions and gain a deeper understanding of recent industry developments and, most importantly, economically viable applications.

Exclusive Site Visit

In addition to the main two day event, during the afternoon of Tuesday 25th April 2017 a limited number of summit delegates will receive a unique opportunity to join an exclusive site visit to Camporosso Archimede Ricerche facility (APG group) in Ligurian Riviera, Italy. There is no extra charge to attend, but spaces are strictly limited and allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, so it is highly recommended to book as soon as possible to guarantee availability.

Who Will Attend?

Algae end market users in cosmetics, flavours, nutrition, animal feed, food, algae producers & cultivation plant owners and operators, leading algae/biomass research institutes, technology providers for cultivation, harvesting, dewatering, drying, oil extraction and processing, plant engineers and constructors, biofuel producers and green energy & biotech investors

UBP readers/subscribers are entitled to a discount on registration. For further information, agenda request or to register your attendance

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