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A company sells technical rapeseed oil on CIF terms

All Ads by User Report Abuse
Country: France
City: Paris

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note_add 10/23/2012
update 10/23/2012
remove_red_eye 2775
assignmentContact Details
Company Name: СПД
Address: Paris
Igor Gnossis
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Offer Description - A company sells technical rapeseed oil on CIF terms

We sell technical rapeseed oil on CIF terms with the following specification quality parameters:

Measure Unit Limit Value E DIN 51605

Test Method

Density (15 °C) Kg/m³


DIN EN ISO 12185

Flash Point P.-M. °C Min. 220

DIN EN ISO 2719 Cinematic Viscosity (40 °C) mm²/s max. 36,0 DIN EN ISO 3104 max

Lower caloric value KJ/kg 36.000

DIN 51 900-2 Cetane Number ./. min. 39

IP 498 Carbon Residue Mass n.C. % (m/m) max. 0,40 DIN EN ISO 10370 Iodine Number G Jod/100g 95-125 DIN EN 14111 Sulphur Content mg/kg max. 10 DIN EN ISO 20884 Contamination mg/kg max. 24 DIN EN 12662 Erucic Acid Value mg KOH/g max. 2,0 DIN EN 14104 Oxidation Stability 110 °C H min. 6,0 DIN EN 14112 Phosphorus Content mg/kg max. 12 DIN EN 14107 Content of alkaline earth Metals (Ca+Mg) mg/kg max. 20 E DIN EN 14538 Oxid Ash Content % (m/m) max. 0,01 DIN EN ISO 6245 Water Content K.-F. mg/kg max. 750 DIN EN ISO 12937

Price is 785 Euro.


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