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Bioenergy Conferences, in cooperation with PANGEA, is proud to announce Africa's leading bioenergy conference: the Second Africa Bioenergy Conference & Expo, June 16-18, 2009 at the United Nations Conference Center (UNCC) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The political heart of Africa and home to the African Union, Ethiopia also boasts one of the continent's only ethanol blending programs and state-of-the art facilities.
Ministers, Ambassadors, CEOs and stakeholders from across leading bioenergy, agriculture, chemical and finance platforms will dialogue face-to-face on a vast range of today's most important issues while networking to set the stage for the next step in Africa's bioenergy revolution.
Thanks to Ethiopia's Ministry of Mines and Energy, the UNCC is welcoming participants to an exciting exchange featuring more than 50 speakers and 450 delegates.