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AGROmashEXPO 2013

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Country: Hungary
City: Budapest

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Мероприятие - AGROmashEXPO 2013


The largest and most successful AGROmashEXPO exhibition of all times, worthy of a 30th jubilee event, was closed at the end of January.
Some 200 exhibitors displayed their new products on some 20,000 m2 of exhibition floor in the HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Centre: besides a wide range of machines the range of items presented in the segments of input and logistics was also broader than ever before.
The 25,000 visitors of the 30th AGROmashEXPO was yet another record figure, some 25 % over the average number of visitors recorded during the past years. The outstanding interest in the exhibition this year was, besides the wide communication of the event, due attracted by the rich offering presented by exhibitors, their active participation and the supportive attitude on the part of technical/professional partners.

The largest agrarian exhibition in Hungary was given significant support by the Ministry of Rural Development, Agrármarketing Centrum Kht., and the National Association of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers (MEGOSZ), the National Association of Agricultural Implement and Machinery Distributors (MEGFOSZ), the Grain Producers' Association – Hungary (GOSZ), and AGRYA- Young Farmers' Association.

More than 30 presentations were included in the programme among the accompanying events, including those made by the Ministry of Rural Development on possibilities in agriculture financing.

This was the first occasion since the exhibition in Hannover when visitors could see the tractors of the year which were among the outstanding attractions of the exhibition, drawing thousands of visitors to the stands.

Successful participants won 3 grand prizes 4 special awards and 10 diplomas in this year's product contest. The awardees were also among the most popular items of the exhibition.
According to opinions reflecting the views of the exhibitors as well, AGROmashEXPO - organised this year on the basis of a new concept – was a huge success. The themes of farming ranging from inputs to logistics attracted even more visitors than the exhibitions beforehand.
It is concluded from the findings of a survey among visitors that not only was the number of visitors outstanding, but they were even more satisfied with the event than in past years.

If you were satisfied with your participation of this year's exhibition or you would be the exhibitor, reserve your place in the next AGROmashEXPO (30 January – 2 February 2013).
We will charge this year's space rental fees to those applying before the end of February.
Enclosed you will find the application sheet where you will find the discount terms for application.

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