When having questions on Big-bag bag wood pellets DINplus 6-8mm, please send your inquury!
Our company offers wood pellets
Wood pellets granules compacted under high temperature and pressure with dry milled clean sawdust. Standard composition of the pellets are 70% of softwood sawdust and 30% of hardwood sawdust.
The composition of the pellets may vary due to the processed wood materials.
High-calorific – 5,3 kWh per kilogram of pellets.
Efficenty – 1 tonne of pellets replaces 470 L of fuel oil, 572 m3 of natural gas, 429 L of LPG gas and 0,79 t of high-calorific coal.
Ash – A small amount of ash remaining after burning pellets (0,3 to 0,5 %).
Ecological – ash formed after burning pellets can be used as fertilizer on your lawn or garden.
Zero CO2 emissions – the amount of CO2 that is produced during the combustion of pellets is equal to the amount of CO2 that
charge a growing plants during photosynthesis. It contains no harmful substances.
Clean to use – does not stain rooms like other solid fuels such as coal
Pellet Ø 6 mm or 8 mm up to 40 mm
The moisture content – max 10%
Ash content – 0,3 – 0,7%
Calorific value – not less than 19 000 kJ/kg
Density – ≥ 600 kg/m3
Quality standard: DIN Plus in accordance with the new standard
European DIN EN 14961-2.
Net weight per pallet: 990 kg