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Charcoal application

Charcoal application

Charcoal always was the important fuel source. The sight at the past and present use of coal can tell to us, what future of coal could be. Charcoal was used while the mankind prospered. The United States, the American Indians, Englishmen widely applied this valuable product in various areas. Now coal consider as one of the main sources of fuel more.

The future of charcoal is the promising. Think out new modern ways how rationally to use coal. The future holds new methods and potential for growth. Products from charcoal can to be soon a part of communications and systems of transportation, computer networks, and even space expeditions. Charcoal always was the important and numerous fuel sources. The majority of people can not know how for a long time it has appeared also what importance has for today. Looking back in history and present use of coal, it is possible to tell that the charcoal future is provided.

The past

North American Hindus used charcoal for processing of wounds. Doctors-homeopathists used charcoal all over the world more than 200 years. Charcoal animalis (charcoal of animals) and charcoal vegetabilis (wooden charcoal) used in homoeopathic pharmaceutics of the United States. Charcoal concerned a category I-safe and effective, had status FDA for a sharp poisonous poisoning. By-effects were absent. Charcoal inexpensive, safe and easy in application. Charcoal was official means in the United States within at least 100 years, and has been laid off in American pharmaceutics approximately in 1950. It has occurred not because preparation action was inefficient, is simple in the American medicine there were more effective preparations.

Coal was used while the mankind prospered. Actually, in days of the cave person coal was used to provide heat!

In 1300 American Indians used coal for preparation, pottery creations, and food heating. To the middle the 1700 first American operations on manufacture of the coal industry have opened in Virginia.

Charcoal was long used to provide with fuel England. But in 18th century have found out, that is it is possible to make charcoal purer and hotter. Shortly, during Industrial revolution charcoal use has increased.

Charcoal was widely applied in steam locomotive coppers. Such way of transportation became popular in 19th century America. At the same time, coal was used in manufacture of the weapon during the American Civil war. Coke as primary fuel was used to do steel.

Approximately hundred years ago in the United States, abundance of coal has led to widespread use for heating of houses, manufacture of an electricity, maintenance of a heat of cookery, inclusion of railways and boats, and fuelling of factories.

The present

Though charcoal, probably, not so is popular today as it was approximately in 1900. But it became more extended as a fuel source. Coal manufacture has increased by more than 70 percent with 1970.

If you use electricity probably that you is the coal consumer. Nine of each 10 tons of the coal extracted in the United States today, it is used to make electricity. Approximately 56 percent of the electric powers in this country are made thanks to charcoal. In the USA today there lives generation of the active consumer of the electric power. Only it consumes a charcoal considerable quantity. Besides, manufacturers and industries use charcoal to make chemicals, cement, a paper, ceramics, and metal products.

Certain industries consume a charcoal considerable quantity. For example, many companies of the paper industry burn down coal, both the steel industry uses coke and coal by-products to make steel for bridges, buildings, and cars.

Approximately 9 percent of the coals extracted by the USA are exported approximately to 40 countries, including Canada, Japan, and the West European nations.

The Future

The United States has a 300-year supply of coal, if it continues to use it at the same rate as today. This is promising because, in addition to the many existing ways to use coal, the future holds new methods and potential for growth. Products from coal may soon be part of communications and transportation systems, computer networks, and even space expeditions.

Much like the old process, the modern commercial process is to heat wood with little or no air present which takes special but simple equipment. In the United States, wood is the primary material used for charcoal and is generally procured in the form of residue like sawmill slabs and edgings. Sawmills love to find users of this material because of environment problems with burning and disposal. Where there are sawmills, there is available raw product. It has been estimated that there are nearly 2,000 charcoal-producing units in the United States, including brick kilns; concrete and masonry block kilns, sheet steel, kilns, and retorts (a steel metal building). The state of Missouri produces a lot of this national charcoal product (they have until recently had less stringent environmental regulations) and 98 percent of all charcoal is produced in the eastern United States.

The most common variety of charcoal, wood charcoal, was formerly prepared by piling wood into stacks, covering it with earth or turf, and setting it on fire. In these process volatile compounds in the wood (e.g., water) pass off as vapours into the air, some of the carbon is consumed as fuel, and the rest of the carbon is converted into charcoal. In the modern method, wood is raised to a high temperature in an iron retort, and industrially important by products, e.g., methanol (wood alcohol or wood spirit), acetone, pyroligneous acid and acetic acid are saved by condensing them to their liquid form. Air is not really needed in the carbonization process, and advanced methods of charcoal production do not allow air to enter the kiln. This results in a higher yield, since no wood is burned with the air, and quality is improved. Charcoal is also obtained from substances other than wood such as nut shells and bark; that obtained from bones is called bone black, animal black, or animal charcoal.

Charcoal yields a larger amount of heat in proportion to its volume than is obtained from a corresponding quantity of wood and has the further advantage of being smokeless. The greatest amount is used as a fuel. Charcoal is often used in blacksmithing, for cooking, and for other industrial applications. One of the most important applications of wood charcoal is as a component of gunpowder. It is also used as a reducing agent in metallurgical operations, but this application was diminished by the introduction of coke. Bamboo charcoal is the principal ingredient in some, a form of Japanese ink painting that uses only black ink in various concentrations.


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Charcoal application