When having questions on COMERCIAL PROPOSAL FOR COMPLETELY 100% ECOLOGICAL STRAW PELLETS, please send your inquury!
Lithuanian company is producing completely 100% ecological straw pellets from clean and fresh, gathered this year Lithuanian straw. Straw pellets are used all over Europe as bedding for pets, birds, and farm animals. Straw pellets are becoming increasingly popular as bedding for horses.
Popularity of straw pellets is growing in shopping centers and private horse farms in Belgium, Netherlands, Finland, France, Spain, etc. Our high quality straw pellets for horse bedding are much better than other bedding currenty on the market. This is why:
- The amount of liquid they absorb equals four times straw pellets weight/volume (for example.: 1 liter of straw bedding absorbs 4 liters of liquid);
- Straw pellets are completely 100% ecological and do not contain any fragrances or other impurities;
- Straw pellets are manufactured thermally at 150-250C0 temperature, therefore there is no risk of allergies in horses;
- In addition to liquid absorbance, straw pellets also absorb liquid smell;
- By using straw pellets, you will save on the amount of bedding and reduce your expences;
- Straw pellets have healing features for horses: they serve as soft, therapeutic pillows relaxing tired muscles and joints;
- Because straw pellest are 100% natural and ecological (made from natural wheat, barely, oat, rye, rape, and other straws), they contain many healthy food supplements such as fiber; macronutrients: potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen; micronutriens: iron, copper, zinc, manganese. Therefore, accidentally swallowed pellets will not have any harmfull effcts; on the contrary - the outcome will be healthy and usefull for horses;
- As wet straw pellets decompose, they can be used as a high quality plant fertilizer. They could also be simply left in pile until used for land fertilization;
- Our bedding is comfortably packed in the follwing:
We can also pack bedding according to your request.
- Transportation charge will apply.
- We can send a free sapmle for you.
We would be very happy knowing that you use our Lithuanian product!