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E-World Energy and Water

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Country: Germany
City: Essen

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note_add 11/21/2012
update 11/21/2012
remove_red_eye 2794
Organizer: Con|energy agentur gmbh
Address: Norbertstraße 2
Christian Forstmann
49 201 1022-110
49 201 1022-333
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Мероприятие - E-World Energy and Water

Exhibitors and Experts Will Show Solutions for the Generation, Transport and Storage of Energy

Far-reaching political and regulatory changes are confronting the energy industry with new challenges and questions in the fields of energy generation, transport and storage. After the successful premiere in 2012, there will thus be an independent cooperative booth on these subjects in Fair Hall 7 at E-world energy & water 2013 on February 5 - 7 too. It will unite 20 exhibitors on an area of 300 square metres - including Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena - "German Energy Agency"), Greenpeace Energy eG and Deutsche Emissionshandelsstelle (DEHSt - "German Emissions Trading Agency") in Bundesumweltamt ("Federal Environmental Office").

Manufacturers of installations for photovoltaics, geothermics, combined heat and power and biogas or suppliers of transport and storage possibilities will present their products and services to the trade visitors from power supply companies, municipal utilities, industrial enterprises, consultants and research establishments. In 2013 as well, the "Energy Revolution Forum" will be supplemented by a comprehensive programme of lectures. Experts will provide information and, on a podium area, will discuss the newest developments of the energy revolution and pass on their knowledge while doing so.

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