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EEE - International fair for renewable energy, conventional energy, equipment and technologies for oil and natural gas

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Country: Romania
City: Bucharest

Если у Вас возникли вопросы по EEE - International fair for renewable energy, conventional energy, equipment and technologies for oil and natural gas, отправьте сообщение!

note_add 12/06/2012
update 12/06/2012
remove_red_eye 3838
Organizer: ROMEXPO Exhibitions Centre
Address: Bucharest
40 21 2077000
40 21 2077070
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Мероприятие - EEE - International fair for renewable energy, conventional energy, equipment and technologies for oil and natural gas

Romania's green energy potential:

  • 65% biomass
  • 17% wind energy
  • 12% solar
  • 4% hydropower
  • 1% + 1% voltaic +geothermal

In three years time, our country has to raise the consumption of the renewable energy one third of total. Currently, the percentage of green energy use reaches 29%. Romania has the potential to attract major energy projects on renewable energy or conventional.

Romania has the power to attract investments in oil and gas: There are two main arguments for this fact: Romania has a privileged position, is a growing market both in terms of natural and human resources. There are certainly opportunities for investment. The fact that Romania has 150 years of tradition in the oil and gas industry is another competitive advantage and now holds a stable position on the oil market, producing 4 million tons of oil a year.

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Related Offers - EEE - International fair for renewable energy, conventional energy, equipment and technologies for oil and natural gas

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