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Energaïa, Solutions & Innovations for new energies

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Country: France
City: Montpellier

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note_add 11/22/2012
update 11/22/2012
remove_red_eye 3054
Organizer: ENJOY Montpellier
Address: Parc des Expositions
Nathalie Bensadon
33 (0)4 67 17 68 48
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Мероприятие - Energaïa, Solutions & Innovations for new energies

The Maghreb at Energaïa 2012

The presence of the countries of Maghreb will be one of the highpoint of Energaïa 2012. Organized by IMEDER (Renewable Energies Mediterranean Institut) and the CCIR Languedoc-Roussillon (Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry) as well as the French Economic Missions, this participation will focus on:

- a cycle of conferences about renewables in Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, …

- the presence on stands of countries’ representatives in order to present their actions’ programme,

- BtoB meetings between axhibitors and delagates, organized by the Languedoc-roussillon Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The entire programme will be coming soon. 

Take part in a growing market: Mediterranean countries

Energaïa acts as a hub for exchange between France, Europe and the Machrek and Maghreb countries thanks to its ideal geographical location in the Mediterranean basin.

The renown of Energaïa in these countries, and the number of professional and institutional delegations arriving from these countries, is boosted by the media plan designed and developed by our Middle East office (Lebanon) and the exhibition’s many Mediterranean partner professionals, including:

IMEDENER : an association of renewable energy and energy conservation structures in the Mediterranean basin.

IMEDENER : the Mediterranean Institute for Renewable Energies which federates the key players and project managers from both sides of the Mediterranean in order to extend the use of renewable energies in these countries. 

A friendly place to be

All the international players of the renewable energies field appreciate to meet in Montpellier to share about markets, innovations, products, services, etc

Beyond those professional exchanges, Energaïa is THE friendly place where the industry enjoy to get together!

Moreover, we thank you to be every year more and more exhibitors to appreciate the great atmosphere offered by a professional organization as well as a cordial welcome.

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