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EUBCE 2024, 32st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition

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Country: Germany
City: Berlin

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note_add 10/30/2023
update 05/31/2024
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Address: Messedamm 22 D-14055 Berlin
Catherina Bernaschina
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Мероприятие - EUBCE 2024, 32st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition

We invite you to EUBCE 2024 – 32st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, that will take place on 24th-27th of June 2024 in Marseille, France.
EUBCE is the largest biomass conference and exhibition in the world.
Each year, EUBCE brings together the greatest minds and latest advancements in biomass, with the aim of accelerating research and market uptake across the globe.
During the conference, over 1500 experts from 80 countries from both academia and industry share and discuss groundbreaking ideas, technologies, applications, and solutions for the sourcing, production, and utility of biomass.
Some of the scientific topics that will be covered are: sustainable resources for decarbonising the economy; biomass technologies and conversion for bioenergy; biomass technologies and conversion to intermediate bioenergy carriers and products of the bioeconomy; bioenergy integration; and bioeconomy sustainability, impacts and policies. Industrial sessions will focus on issues such as key developments in integrated industrial process chains, successful strategies and policies for the industrialisation of renewable energy production, industrial power and heat processes and systems, deployment of biomass in energy systems and biorefining, and bioenergy and algal biorefinery.
The Technical Programme is coordinated by DG Joint Research Centre of the European Commission.
The event is supported by the Circular Bio-Based Europe Joint Undertaking.
Be part of the 32nd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition and present your results to specialists and decision makers operating at the top end of the biomass and bioenergy sector.
Submit your abstract by 17th November 2023.

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