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European Pellet Conference

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Country: Austria
City: Linz

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note_add 08/06/2008
update 08/06/2008
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Organizer: O.Ö. Energiesparverband
Address: Landstrasse 45
Christine Oehlinger
+43/732-7720 14861
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Мероприятие - European Pellet Conference

Pellets – a sustainable fuel!

Pellets are a clean, CO2-neutral and convenient fuel with growing market shares in many European countries. The European Pellet Conference in Wels/Austria aims to provide in-depth information on pellet technologies, innovation and market trends. It will also offer an exciting platform to discuss new co-operation projects.

With more than 600 participants every year, the European Pellet Conferences & Fora held in Wels have become the largest annual pellet event in the world.

The European Pellet Conference 2009 is held as a part of the World Sustainable Energy Days which offer a number of other high-profile events:
  • the “Energiesparmesse“, a trade show dedicated to renewable energy sources and energy efficiency with about 100,000 visitors.
  • site-visits (24 and 27 February 2009)
  • the “Energy Efficiency Watch” Conference
  • the conference “Efficient Cooling of Buildings“
  • other events

The conference is organised by O.Ö. Energiesparverband, the regional energy agency of Upper Austria, dedicated to sustainable energy market development. Upper Austria is an ideal location for such a conference. The region is home to a number of Europe‘s leading biomass boiler producers, and pellet heating systems have become a standard solution.
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