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Expobiomasa 2015: forestry and termal use of biomass

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Country: Spain
City: Valladolid

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note_add 05/29/2015
update 05/29/2015
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Address: Feria de Valladolid. Av. Ramón Pradera s/n, 47009, Valladolid
Jorge Herrero
(0034) 975 10 20 20
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Мероприятие - Expobiomasa 2015: forestry and termal use of biomass

22-24 September 2015, Feria de Valladolid, Spain

Organized by the Spanish Biomass Association (AVEBIOM) Expobiomasa will be the largest biomass event in Spain in 2015. The trade show will take place from 22-24 September at Feria de Valladolid, Spain.

During a 3-day trade show, participants will find all the technology and equipment available in the biomass market. All the biomass professionals such as producers, forest machinery companies, distributors and installers of heating systems, etc. are involved.

The event will include more than 500 biomass brands and companies, more than 18 000 participants aimed to by machinery, products, services or equipment.

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