When having questions on Fuel pellets, please send your inquury!
Our company sells high-quality fuel pellets on biomass basis (hydrolytic lignin ) GOST TU 28.5-06955289-003-2003. We are ready for long-term collaboration to supply this products.
Modern technologies of production allow to make ecologically pure product with the followings indexes:
- humidity 10-12%
- ash content 5,5%
- the content of sulphur 0,5%
- density 1100-1200 kg\m3
- warmth of combustion (calorific valure) 5500-6000 kkal/kg
- temperature of self-ignition 195 ?
- spherical form with diametr 60mm, thickness 30mm.
Production volume 2000 MT
Price for one tonna is 800 RU
Packaging of products in big-bags of 1t, or to order of customer in big-bags of 30-50 kg (polypropylene, polyethylene).
With the purpose of striking of contract on delivery, ask the interested supporters to send request to this products.In your decision we ask to take into account that pelet does not plug in itself no harmful admixtures, including connective substances. Agglutination takes place due to the selection of lignin which is located in biomasse. After the concordance of all commercial terms, we are ready to sign a contract for supplying of this products.
Diameter: 8 mm.
Ash content: 5.5 %
Humidity: 10-12 %
Packaging: big-bags
Certificate: available
Supply capacity: 2000 MT
Price:800 UA