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German Distributor of various items and goods is looking for firewood suppliers

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Country: Germany
City: Micheln OT Trebbichau

When having questions on German Distributor of various items and goods is looking for firewood suppliers, please send your inquury!

note_add 10/28/2011
update 10/28/2011
remove_red_eye 2589
assignmentContact Details
Company Name: C. H. ONLINE TRADING
Christian Hoffmann
+49 (0) 1636079496
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Offer Description - German Distributor of various items and goods is looking for firewood suppliers

Our​ company​ deals​ with​ the​ Distribution​ of​ various​ items​ and​ goods.​
Of​ course,​ we​ also​ want​ to​ participate​ in​ the​ trade​ in​ firewood​ and​ are​ therefore​ looking​ for​ suppliers​ with​ good​ preconditions​ for​ cooperation.​
We​ would​ be​ pleased​ if​ you​ would​ send​ us​ information​ about​ your​ items,​ especially​ products​ and​ prices​ at​ purchase​ greater​ quantities​ and​ shipment​ or​ delivery.​
We​ are​ located​ near​ Dessau​ in​ Sachsen-Anhalt​ /​ Germany.​

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