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Global Refining Strategies Summit 2009

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note_add 05/01/2009
update 05/01/2009
remove_red_eye 3911
Organizer: World Trade Group
Address: 211 Yonge Street
Laura Cooper
1 416 214 3400
1 416 214 3403
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Мероприятие - Global Refining Strategies Summit 2009

In an unprecedented economic and financial crisis the energy industry just like others has seen the impact, with oil prices plummeting and the demand for crude oil gradually decreasing, it is time to ensure your refining business is prepared. In order to face these challenges and minimize the economic impact the need to immerse yourself with key information and discuss these issues with peers is the key to your success.

The Global Refining Strategies Summit 2009 brings together the most knowledgeable and influential refining leaders from across the globe. Join us as we explore dynamic strategies and benchmark the latest technologies to overcome the economic issues. Hear thought provoking presentations combined with excellent networking opportunities for all attendees to share knowledge and exchange experiences.

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