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Import of hardwood firewood from Ukraine to Czech Republic

All Ads by User Report Abuse
Country: Czech Republic
City: Praha

When having questions on Import of hardwood firewood from Ukraine to Czech Republic, please send your inquury!

note_add 10/29/2011
update 10/29/2011
remove_red_eye 2758
assignmentContact Details
Company Name: Awelon s.r.o.
Address: Jana Zelivskeho 2
Vit Mazdra
+420 602 555 368
Mobile 2: +420 267 267 714
+420 267 267 724
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Offer Description - Import of hardwood firewood from Ukraine to Czech Republic

What​ kind​ of​ firewood​ you​ product?​ Is​ it​ cut​ and​ chipped?
What​ is​ the​ price​ for​ 1​ cubic​ meter?

There​ is​ a​ big​ demand​ for​ a​ firewood​ in​ Czech​ Republic,​ especially​ in​ Prague.​ There​ is​ a​ big​ gap​ in​ selling​ firewood​ in​ Prague​ and​ my​ intention​ is​ to​ fill​ this​ gap​ by​ importing​ the​ firewood​ from​ abroad.​ I​ have​ a​ dry​ warehouses,​ trucks​ and​ forklifts​ to​ satisfy​ all​ my​ future​ customers.​ The​ only​ thing​ I​ am​ missing​ is​ the​ cheap​ firewood.​
I​ would​ like​ to​ start​ with​ a​ firewood​ lenght​ 30-33​ cm,​ width/thickness:​ 8-16cm,​ oak,​ beech​ or​ hornbeam.​ All​ packed​ at​ pallets​ 1,2​ x​ 0,8​ x​ 2​ m.​ (or​ other​ 2RM).​ FRESH​ +​ DRY

I​ would​ like​ to​ start​ with​ 1​ full​ truck.​ If​ everything​ is​ OK,​ I​ will​ need​ at​ least​ 1​ trailer​ per​ week.

Please​ answer​ my​ question:

1)​ What​ is​ your​ really​ very​ best​ rate​ ​ DDU​ Prague for​ 1​ cubic​ meter?

2)​ What type of payment is better​ for​ you​: to​ be​ paid​ after​ delivery​ of​ firewood​ to​ our​ warehouse or advanced​ payment?

3)​ Your​ delivery​ times?​ (very​ important,​ because​ now​ is​ the​ biggest​ demand​ for​ firewood​ and​ I​ would​ like​ to​ sell​ immediatelly.​ I​ have​ to​ guarantee​ a​ delivery​ time!)

4)​ Do​ you​ provide​ all​ certificates​ etc.​ for​ customs​ purposes?

5) What​ kind​ of​ firewood​ you​ product?​

6) Is​ it​ cut​ and​ chipped?

Long​ term​ cooperation.

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