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International Biorefinery Conference (IBC 09)

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note_add 05/20/2009
update 05/20/2009
remove_red_eye 5133
Organizer: ESF Outreach
Address: 221 Marshall Hall, SUNY-ESF, 1 Forestry Drive, Syracuse, NY 13210
Shijie Shijie
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Мероприятие - International Biorefinery Conference (IBC 09)

This conference is the second in the series of International Biorefinery Conferences. The conference is being organized by the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY-ESF), the International Union of Biorefineries (IUB), and The Biorefinery Institute.

More than 500 attendees are expected after the highly successful ICB '07 held in October, 2007 in Beijing, China. IBC '09 will the second conference in the series and it will be the first sponsored by the newly established International Union of Biorefineries (IUB). We expect to build up on the synergy of biofuel, renewable chemicals, and sustainable development in every corner of the world.

The 2009 theme is "Sustainability and Triple-Bottom-Line" and technical program organizers welcome any presenters with new and interesting topics related to the biorefinery. Bioproduct industry personnel, suppliers, students and academics are strongly encouraged to submit abstracts. Papers presented at IBC '09 will be peer reviewed and published on reputable journals. A conference abstract proceedings CD will be distributed to all attendees. One day field trips will be taking place on Oct 8th and 9th.


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