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Investing in Biofuel


In today’s economy, oil is our life blood. It powers our cars, heats our homes, and paves our roads. It runs through the veins of our economy every minute.

We are so dependent on oil and other petroleum products for our energy needs that a lack of it could literally put America - and the rest of our planet - back in the stone age. From plastics to asphalt and countless other biproducts, oil running dry will affect us in more ways that we can imagine.

It took millions of years for the earth to make petroleum. But it will only take a few more years for us to deplete it. And that’s pretty scary stuff.

When we drink the last drop of oil - something that could actually happen in our lifetimes - what will we do?

At this stage, there are an infinite number of choices. And everyone has an opinion. 

According to this Forbes article, Arnold’s Hummer is hydrogen-powered. And some scientists have even suggested electricity from cow manure.

We already have a global petrochemical distribution infrastructure. Fueling stations have tanks designed for liquid fuels - like gasoline and diesel. Sure, we could all fill up on hydrogen in the future. But hydrogen is explosive in high concentrations, and requires its own share of precautions. Building hydrogen stations around the U.S. - and the rest of the world - will cost trillions of dollars. But with biofuels, we can use the system we’ve already got - and even keep the same pumps.

The American economy relies upon its diesel-powered trucking industry to transport everything from UPS packages to frozen loaves of bread.

From Boston to Bombay, there are millions of consumer vehicles designed to run off of gasoline or diesel fuel. While it might be possible to convert all of them to run off of Hydrogen or some other exotic fuel, it is cost prohibitive for all but the wealthiest amongst us. However, most cars can be switched to biofuel blends with ease.

The oil industry has lots of cash. ExxonMobil has a market capitalization of $350 billion dollars. Oil companies have been announcing record profits quarter after quarter - and many oil barons have a vested interest in their financial success.

The oil industry is greedy. This ties in with #4, but it is not quite the same thing. How many businessmen report record profits yet are such tightwads that they can’t spare a small amount of their own product - heating oil - to help people not freeze to death in their homes?

Soybeans are cheaper than they have been in recent years. Other feed stocks can be used, of course, but many producers are currently using soybeans.


Advantages of bio-fuels
Bio-fuels prove advantageous in the following ways:
• Bio-fuels lessen the burden on gradually-vanishing fossil fuels.
• Bio-fuels are environment-friendly. They help reduce carbon emissions into the atmosphere.
• Bio-fuels, especially, bio-diesel prove to be very cost-effective for consumers.

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Investing in Biofuel