We are a company from Poland.
We offer Hand Stacked Kiln Dried Firewood Logs oak/ beech / birch. Moisture content less then 25%, packed in wooden boxes.
Boxes size: 1 m3 and 2 m3.
Boxes are ideal for transport.
We offer wood:
Price negotiable, depends on order quantity.
Our Kiln dried logs are heated in a Kiln to reduce the moisture content to below 25%
This gives a longer burning time and higher more intense heat output.
Kiln Dried Firewood Logs
100% Hardwood
1 Cubic metre hand stacked in a crate pallet,
Moisture content below 25% ( or less, what depends on klient) - We allow you to challenge the level of humidity.
Kiln logs are more efficient and economical with slow burning at very high temperature.
35% more calorific than seasoned firewood logs, this means you get four times more burning time than you would with soft wood.