When having questions on Light spruce wood pellets, 15 kg bag, DAP, please send your inquury!
We are the Czech company, which produce white premium quality spruce pellets.
Our production is located in CZ 58301 Chotěboř – Příjemky. We produce pellets since 2012 and since May 2014 we have certificate ENplus A1, code CZ 010.
I can offer you our premium quality pellets in 15 kg bags at current price 286 EUR/t DAP NE25 8PJ Great Britain.
Payment terms – prepayment only. The price is valid till the end of June.
We make 70 bags on one palette, 23 palettes together, 24,15 tonnes in total,
or second opportunity is 65 bags on one palette, 25 palettes together, 24,375 tonnes in total. You can choose one of these options.