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Lignofuels 2012

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Country: Sweden
City: Stockholm

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note_add 06/20/2012
update 06/20/2012
remove_red_eye 3901
Organizer: ACI Europe
Address: TBC
Dimitri Pavlyk
+44 (0)207 981 2503
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Мероприятие - Lignofuels 2012

Integration of Processes & Technologies for Production of Fuels from Lignocellulosic Feedstocks

ACI’s 3rd Annual Lignofuels Summit will be taking place in Stockholm, Sweden, on 26-27 September 2012.  The two day conference will bring together key industry stakeholders to discuss ways of integrating processes and technologies for production of fuels from lignocellulosic feedstocks.

In addition to the two day conference, during the afternoon of Tuesday 25th September a limited number of conference attendees will have the opportunity to attend an exclusive site visit to Chemrec’s BioDME plant as well as SunPine’s CTO plant.

Who Will Attend?

Technical, strategic and business development executives from first and advanced generation biofuels producers, oil refiners, process technology providers, enzyme developers, engineering firms and agribusiness as well as traders & brokers, automotive & aviation industries, financiers, investors, consultants and chemical companies

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