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Missouri Natural Resources Conference 2009

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Country: United States
City: Mount Vernon

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note_add 12/01/2008
update 12/01/2008
remove_red_eye 5310
Organizer: mnrc
Address: 10763 Hwy 39-G Mount Vernon, MO 65712
Marc Vanacht
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Мероприятие - Missouri Natural Resources Conference 2009

Global climate change and global warming are some of the most politically charged, scientific terms of our time. In some parts of the world, one would not question the scientific validity or probability of extreme consequences predicted by climate change models. Elsewhere, one could not refer to these concepts without being accused of wanting to impede economic development.

The 2009 Missouri Natural Resources Conference does not intend to debate the cause of global climate change, or even its existence. The 2009 MNRC steering committee only hopes to open a scientific discussion about the possible consequences of climate change on the natural resources in Missouri. It is easy to find speakers about climate change; it has proven more difficult to find speakers who can bring the subject home, to Missouri natural resources. Our three plenary session speakers are going to do just that – help us understand how the issue of global climate change will impact Missouri. In the closing session, new to this year’s conference, we hope to develop ideas on how we can work together to address these issues proactively and go forward from the conference with renewed interest and enthusiasm.
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