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Seeking partners / investors to invest in the acquisition of a plywood plant in southern Brazil. The factory is in operation. Produces plywood MR/WBP of the following qualities
A / A
A / B
B / B
B / C
C / C
Initial investment amount: USD 630,000.00 = BRL 2,400,000.00
Other operational and pre-operational investments: USD 170,000.00 = BRL 640,000.00
Working capital: USD 160,000.00 = BRL 600,000.00
Estimated revenues (base USD / Brazilian real 3.85 - 11/26/2018):
year 01: USD 3,371,317.19
year 02: USD 5,613,624.53
year 03: USD 6,680,518.89
year 04: USD 6,865,047.39
year 05: USD 6,899,781.83
ROI (year 01 + year 02) = 2.33
Indicators of project financial return after 5 years:
TMA: 15%
TIR: 143.159%
NPV: USD 2,620,249.18
year 01: USD 792.289,41
year 02: USD 1,499,553.23
year 03: USD 1,488,995.40
year 04: USD 1,438,712.82
year 05: USD 1,292,642.75
Discounted Cash Flow: USD 1,691,314.80
EV / EBITDA: USD 4,035,587.37
Open for negotiation conditions for investor compensation with a discount on the price of the finished product or payment with an interest rate of 15.1% per year
Plant capacity: 20,160 m³ per year
Management, high quality of the product, operational excellence (lean manufacturing), KPI indicators, leadership and trained and qualified operators, principles of corporate governance and compliance and HSE management.