Base of straw pellets (agropellets) producers in Ukraine 2008-2009
Compiled: 21.08.2009
On the basis of business offers on selling straw pellets in Ukraine that daily come to Global Biofuel Portal the Administration has compiled the base (.xls) of straw pellets (agropellets) producers in Ukraine for 2008-2009.
General characteristics of the base of straw pellets producers:
- There has been found 13 producers of straw pellets in Ukraine;
- Calculations of production capacity of straw pellets in Ukraine for 2009 are done.
- Any of the offers in the base can be found on Global biofuel portal;
- The base of straw pellets producers in Ukraine contains the following fields: date, prepacking, sertificate, price EUR, terms, min./ per month ton, max. / per month ton, enterprise, country, city, mobile 1, phone 1, fax 1, phone 2, fax 2, mobile 2, skype, address.
What is the use of this base?
- The possibility to contact straw pellets producers from Ukraine directly;
The base of straw pellets producers can be used in marketing research regarding the potential of biofuel producers of biomass in Ukraine