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Printed Electronics & Photovoltaics Asia 2012

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Country: Japan
City: Tokyo

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note_add 07/12/2012
update 07/12/2012
remove_red_eye 2796
Organizer: IDTechEx
Address: 6-2 Nishi-Shinjuku 6-chome Shinjuku-Ku
Cara Harrington
+1 617 577 7890
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Мероприятие - Printed Electronics & Photovoltaics Asia 2012

The fifth annual IDTechEx Printed Electronics Asia event will take place this October 2-3 in Tokyo, Japan. This year the event will focus strongly on commercialization. Printed Electronics Asia is aimed at potential users of emerging printed, organic and flexible electronics technologies who wish to see new products and learn how these new devices can be incorporated in their products and used in their business.

The technology is of vital interest to industries as diverse as chemicals, consumer goods, healthcare, military, electronics, advertising and publishing. It is allowing electronics to be used in places it has never been before and offers new exciting form factors. There is huge investment in printed electronics in Asia, which rivals that invested by Europe and North America. This event will bring these companies together, with visiting delegations from Taiwan, Mainland China, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Europe and USA. A speaker program that consists of 50% speakers from Asia and 50% from Europe and US - this is your foothold into the Asian Market. Over 80% of the attendees are from Asia - making this a productive trip for many Westerners.

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