When having questions on Quality pellets to offer in large quantities, please send your inquury!
We offer quality wood pellets in large quantities monthly:
Pellet characteristics \ quality:
Raw material: pure sawdust \ wood shavings especially conifers (mainly fir), without bark and \ or adhesives.
dimensions: D = 6 mm., L = 0.5 - 3.5 cm. (on average 1.5 cm.)
packaging: 15kg. bags \ 1.0 ton big-bags (from the photos attached).
price detail:
for delivery conditions FCA 08000 Makariv, UA:
128 Euro \ tonn - for bags 15kg / 118 Euro \ tonn - for Big-Bags 1tonn.
Customs clearance:
due to the origin of the material from the extra-EU upon arrival in Danmark and before consignation to a customer, is required customs clearance at a local customs, which also includes the payment of VAT.
The disposability of product is: till 250 tonn \ month
Delivery time: 7-9 days from the date of order confirmation
Composition of loads:
n. 21 pallets x n. 72 bags x 15 kg., Tot. net weight 22.68 tons
n. 23 big-bags x 1.00 tons, tot. net weight - 23.00 tons
We deliver to Italy, Romania, Austria, Germany and Denmark. Please contact us and we will provide you wit optimal price and delivery conditions.