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SOLARCON China 2013

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Country: China
City: Shanghai

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note_add 11/21/2012
update 11/21/2012
remove_red_eye 3174
Organizer: SEMI China
Address: Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park
Jamie Tang
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Мероприятие - SOLARCON China 2013

As part of the growing global SEMI® network, SOLARCON China 2013 will attract the world’s top experts and technologists who will share their insights on the latest trends in PV technology, markets and policies from Europe, North America and Asia.

• Securing a booth at SOLARCON China 2013 allows you to network with over 50,000 national and international trade visitors. Reach out to key players in the solar industry and broadcast your message where it matters, when it matters.
• As exhibitor you can discover new trends and products in the industry as well as tap into the full spectrum of solar professionals. Forge links with local partners and in the Chinese marketplace.

SOLARCON is a world-renowned event-series covering major regions of the globe where the solar industry is either playing an essential role in the regional and international base or is fast growing and has huge potential. This strong international background provides both visitors as well as exhibitors the best connection to influential contacts: from world-class media, to key-players in the industry. If you are a solar professional seeking to maximize your networking opportunities in one place, this is the place to be!

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