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SolarEx Istanbul

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Country: Turkey
City: Istanbul

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note_add 11/22/2012
update 11/22/2012
remove_red_eye 3560
Address: 29 Ekım Caddesı Ihlas Holdıng
solarexistanbul solarexistanbul
90 212 454 25 03
90 212 454 25 06
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Мероприятие - SolarEx Istanbul

Taking place from 11th March to 13th April 2013 at the Istanbul Expo Center, Istanbul, Turkey; this exhibition is aimed at experts from the solar industry, as well as potential solar energy users. The fifth annual Solar & Photovoltaic Exhibition is one of the most important events in the centre of continents for the territory covered by Middle East, Russia, Europe and Africa. Turkish and English will be the predominant languages used at the fair.

Waited FIT has just approved for RES in Turkey. In other words, the sector is being supported directly from Turkish Government from now on.

Solar & PV Technologies Exhibition is a great chance to be in a trade platform for domestic and international customers in order to get new clients and be aware of new technologies during the show. Furthermore, it is expected to host thousands of visitors from all over the world beside from Turkish market.


1- It is the only solar thermal and PV technologies focused exhibition in this area.

2- It is the main gate for Europe to reach Middle East and Asia and vice versa.

3- Middle eastern people and companies could easily reach Turkey hence visa policy. By this way, this policy makes the exhibition more and more effective than an exhibition in Europe hence usually Middle Eastern face a lot of terrible for schengen visa for any European country.

4- Europeans has not got any problem to get visa for Turkey and also reliable hotel and flight rates are really reasonable. They do not come only for the exhibition; they also see this opportunity as a relaxation and a kind of holiday because the area is historical and the weather is perfect compare the European countries.

5- It is also very close to the Russia and Russian speaking countries. Turkey has good relation with Ukraine, Moldova and Russia as neighborhood and good related with Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and other Turkic Republics as blood brotherhood. Those advantageous also make the events which are organizing in Turkey attractive in those regions.

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