When having questions on Spain company is interesting in purchasing crude degummed rapeseed oil , please send your inquury!
Our company needs to buy crude degummed rapeseed oil. We appreciate your price information. We can order quantities ranging between 1,000 and 12,500 tons per month. Payment only by L/C.
We have several orders with two kinds of rapeseed oil:
1) 3.000 tones x 12 months to Poland (certificate: ISCC, EUR1 and T2L)
2) 2.000 tones first delivery + 1.000 tones x 11 months, to Italy (ISCC, EURa and T2L)
Range price : $950- ​ $1,050.
L/C non- transferable, irrevocable .
If you do not have certificates, we welcome information for other orders without certificate, of sunflower, corn, rapessed, soybeans.