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The 18th World Hydrogen Energy Conference 2010

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Мероприятие - The 18th World Hydrogen Energy Conference 2010

A reliable energy supply is a necessary precondition for social well-being and economic prosperity. The present fossil fuel based energy system with limited efficiency has been identified as the major cause of global climate change and local air pollution. Furthermore, such fuels are subject to energy supply security issues associated with price fluctuations. Today, government, industry and science strive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Alternative sources of primary energy and energy efficiency measures are being harnessed in particular with a view to energy supply security.

Hydrogen has excellent prospects in serving as an energy hub for a wide range of energy applications in transport, stationary power generation and portables. Intensive worldwide efforts have significantly advanced the technological status of components for the supply and use of hydrogen. In view of the still large number of unresolved issues, there remains a considerable need for ongoing scientific progress and technical solutions.

The commitment of industry, societal support for innovation and market launch strategies for hydrogen and fuel cells are essential. Under the auspices of the International Association for Hydrogen Energy (IAHE), the 18th World Hydrogen Energy Conference 2010 (WHEC2010) is intended to promote the energy carrier hydrogen on the road to a sustainable and climate-friendly energy economy. This year's event builds on the WHEC tradition and history dating back to 1976. The aim of the WHEC has always been to consider and discuss the scientific and technological status of hydrogen technologies as well as the political framework on a global scale. With its combination of scientific contributions, strategic discussions and educational programme highlights,WHEC2010 will give delegates from academia, research, politics and the private sector a unique forum for information sharing.

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