When having questions on The enterprise is interested in search of the European partner or , please send your inquury!
Wood Pellets Plant is interested in search of the European partner or ready to sell the business (partly or at all).
Property:1372,4 sq. m woodworking shop located in the territory of 0,477 hectares;
Equipment :
Press-granulator “ОGÐœ 1,5Іwith additional matrix GRAF. Current productivity is to 2 tons per hour.
The additional equipment:
- -630 kVA transformer;
- Video observation system;
- Truck “Uralâ€;
- A crusher;
- Tractor “Jinmaâ€;
- Car “ZAZ Lanosâ€;
- Tractor “UMZâ€;
- Sawmill;
- Auto-loader NISSAN PJ02M20;
- Cutting machine “Hemmel Ukraineâ€;
- The trailer to the truck.
Production corresponds to standard DIN and is certificated on the domestic and foreign quality standards (to Gospotrebstandart, Institute of environment and quality standards).
As of today the enterprise is completely provided by raw materials. The launch of sawmill in intermediate term prospect should provide improvement of quality of raw materials and finished products.