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The Solar Energy Summit

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Country: Turkey
City: Istanbul

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note_add 04/19/2012
update 04/21/2012
remove_red_eye 3218
Organizer: Noppen Co. Ltd
Address: The Marmara Taksim Taksim Meydani Taksim Istanbul 34437 Turkey
Nikki Kaur
+8621 6085 1000
+8621 6192 1905
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Мероприятие - The Solar Energy Summit

Significant solar potential in the regions Turkey, Ukraine, Romania and Greece have catapulted the countries to the verge of becoming leading solar power producers with large upcoming local and international projects. Foreign investors are running to the market to fund projects and ensure that they are successful.

The Solar Energy Summit will bring together government officials, solar farm owners, investors, developers and solution providers to discuss regulations, investment opportunities and the advanced technologies needed to help shape the Solar Industry in Turkey, Greece, Romania and Ukraine.

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