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The Trondheim Renewable Energy Research Conference 2010

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Country: Norway
City: Trondheim

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note_add 10/21/2009
update 10/21/2009
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Address: Trondheim
Christer Heen Skotland
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Мероприятие - The Trondheim Renewable Energy Research Conference 2010

The Renewable Energy Research Conference is a scientific conference that focuses on renewable energy technologies. The conference represents an opportunity for making new contacts and to get an update on the ongoing research within various fields of renewable energy. In addition to interesting lectures on general issues concerning renewable energy, there will be detailed scientific parallel sessions within wind power, solar cells, hydropower, bioenergy, transport, ocean energy, zero emission buildings, environmental effects of renewables, as well as societal aspects of energy production and utilization.

The conference's target group are researchers in universities, research institutions and research intensive industry in Norway and other European countries. Researchers and PhD candidates are invited to submit abstracts for oral as well as poster presentations. For some of the parallels scientific papers will also be accepted.

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