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The "Wind Energy Market in Poland" PWEA Conference is the largest event in the Polish wind power sector.
During annual conferences Polish Wind Energy Association creates an opportunity to participate in many interesting sessions as a speaker, panellist or auditor and meet the most important players on the wind power market. The Conference is attended by foreign investors interested in implementing wind farm projects in Poland, representatives of energy transmission and distribution sector, as well as industry associations. The Conference is an unique opportunity to meet representatives of governmental institutions and the Parliament, responsible for the regulation and development of wind power market rules in Poland.
PWEA Conference includes:
Dozens of papers discussing in detail the issues related to the wind power market in Poland and Europe;
Almost 1000 participants;
Unforgettable Gala Dinner.
The fifth edition of the PWEA's "Wind Energy Market in Poland" Conference, that will be held in Hilton hotel on the 19th of April 2010 is of particular character - unusually, this will be a one-day event starting the European EWEC 2010 Conference and fair.
Next year the PWEA Conference, referred to as the Polish Day, will be part of the European Wind Energy Conference 2010 organised in Warsaw by European Wind Energy Association, with strong PWEA support. Next day on the 20th of April, common pllenary session of PWEA and EWEA will be held in Expo XXI.
During the Polish Day on 19 April 2010 in Hilton Hotel in Warsaw you will have the opportunity to participate in four parallel thematic sessions - Business and policy, Power engineering, Human and the environment and The potential and future of wind power. Each session will comprise of four panels, attended by more than 50 speakers and moderators.