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The World Green Energy Symposium

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Country: United States
City: Philadelphia

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note_add 04/27/2010
update 04/27/2010
remove_red_eye 4007
Address: Philadelphia
Sumir Karayi
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Мероприятие - The World Green Energy Symposium

The 2010 World Green Energy Symposium will showcase new, alternative, sustainable and innovative product development and green energy opportunities for businesses and the public.

The World Green Energy Symposium's topics include current policy information, new policy ideas and world policy views. It will focus on green technology options available and already succeeding. The Symposium provides opportunities for networking, learning, exchanging, exhibiting and investing in the future of the new energy and green technology. It provides the opportunity for businesses from around the world, "large and small" to showcase their products to an enthusiastic and forward thinking audience at the tallest greenest building in the United States.

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