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UK Turkish Overseas Investments Forum 2018, London

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note_add 04/07/2018
update 04/07/2018
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Organizer: EEL Events
Address: 55 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, London, SW7 2PN, United Kingdom
Emine Azed Acar
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Мероприятие - UK Turkish Overseas Investments Forum 2018, London

Only in the last 4 years, the amount of the investments and overseas M&As of Turkish companies such as United Biscutis, Mexx, Almatis, Dawlance, OCI Chemicals, Defy, etc., are approaching USD 20 billion which covers also greenfield in a wide geographical area extending from America to Africa and Europe to Asia. There is a serious flow of investment towards developed countries, especially to Europe (mainly UK) and USA.  Also for Africa, increase in energy and contracting investments as well as primitive manufacturing projects especially light textile and apparel were observed.

The general tendency of Turkish investor behaviours can be summarized as they contemplate long-term sector dynamics and return on investment rather than momentary route changes. As a result, the high-income western countries will retain their attractiveness. In fact, a respectable amount of new investments will come from greenfield investments compare to brownfield and M&As.

UK and USA are thought as prior investment addresses in the coming period. Also, Eastern European countries are raising their attractiveness in terms of Turkish investments, especially for manufacturing operations. For the UK, as one of the rare high-income countries that showed better performance among 2016 rankings of DEIK outbound investment index, the post-Brexit business world is waiting for reforms that will reinforce PM Theresa May's "Global Britain" perception. In this context, sector players, who are out of the EU regulatory framework and limitations as Turkish investors, are more hopeful than the previous year at the point of enlarging their scale for UK-based investments with legislative flexibility. The UK is not just an attractive point for its domestic potential; it is also an investment hub towards Europe and other regions for overseas expansion of Turkish corporates and start-ups.

Co-organized by DEIK Outbound Investment Business Council, the forum is set to provide premier platform for potential Turkish global investor prioritizing the UK and also for infrastructure developers, start-ups and financiers to be updated on the regulation and business policies of going global through the UK.

Supported long-term sector dynamics and return on investment rather than momentary route changes. As a result, the high-income western countries will retain their attractiveness. In fact, a respectable amount of new investments will come from Greenfield investments compare to brownfield and M&As.

Forums the main topics are;

• Business set-up and regulative environment of UK

• Tax, incentives, cash management/transfer for different business set-ups

• Investment financing, sectoral/regional foreign investment strategies for service, retail, infrastructure, mining players and start-ups

• Impact of Brexit on foreign investors and multi-regional business models

The forum is specifically designed for potential Turkish investors, EPC developers, law firms, consulting companies and financiers interested in or already investing in the UK as well as regional companies looking to facilitate strategic networking partnership with the UK and international partners.

• Corporate investors

• Investment and Commercial banks
• EPC and construction companies

• Fund managers, credit rating firms

• Governmental bodies, IFIs, ECAs

• Risk management, insurance and reinsurance firms

• Consultancy and legal firms

• Start-ups who want to operate internationally

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